Ultrasound yesterday was great and got some fantastic photos of our (not so) little baby. The weight estimate came in and the only thing I can say is that Cam and I are now referring to the baby as "The Great Pumpkin". Baby has plenty of amniotic fluid, there's good blood exchange between the baby and I, no meconium floating in the pool and Baby is moving well, so there was no recommendation for immediate induction. I have to wait until Sunday night/Monday morning.
My good friend Lynne has gone and booked an appointment for me to get a pedicure on Saturday afternoon, what a fantastic idea! I am really excited to go, as it's been a good 6 weeks since I've comfortably been able to touch my own feet (i.e. tying shoes, clipping toenails, nail polish, etc. all have been a chore and have given up where not necessary - slip on shoes, I make Cam clip my nails and no nail polish). The lady who is going to do the pedicures is also a reflexologist and was bragging to Lynne last week that she could put me into labour in 15 minutes using some secret accupressure points. So, I'm gonna ask her to push my pressure points! Who knows, maybe it will work, and I'm going to be induced on Sunday night anyways!
If it doesn't work we're going to go to stop by a few Halloween parties on Saturday night. Tomorrow I'll go shopping and look for an orange T-shirt that I can sew some felt triangles to to make a proper Jack'o'lantern out of my belly (Cam's idea). One is a pumkin carving party but I think we'll wait to the last minute to do ours. The other is is an hors'dourve potluck party, so will try the gourmet frozen food place next to my doctor's office - if the reflexology works & I go into labour, we can just save the frozen puff pastries for when we have visitors, and I'll wear the shirt to the hospital. If it doesn't work, Cam can just pop the snacks in the oven while I'm getting my tootsies rubbed.
I have a 9:00 AM appointment with my doctor - so I will check the reflexology out with her (ankles have been a bit swollen, nothing out of control, but definitely puffy), as well as the toe nail polish thing (in our hospital classes they mentioned not to wear FINGER nail polish, but nothing about TOE nail polish).My cold is getting better, just a runny nose now and if it would stop dripping I could stop sanding my nose off my face with kleenex! That sounds like Heaven!
LATER...Doctor's appointment was good, I have gained some weight again, but doctor thinks it is mostly fluid as she can see some swelling in my legs and hands. Also the baby is still growing at a rate of approximately 0.1 lbs per day. The doctor is actually glad that I caught a cold - she said that it will boost my immune system so that it is raging by the time that the baby is born, and my symptoms are well on the way to being cleared up. She's all for trying the reflexology and has no problems if I get my toenails painted (fingernails need to stay au natural so that pulse monitor can be attached if need be). Also she confirmed her schedule - she will be on call at the hospital on Sunday night and all day Monday, so that she will likely be there if the baby is born as a result of induction.
The baby pool is getting bigger! Right now the range in weight is 5.5 lbs (Aunt Louise) to 10 lbs (Nana) - thank goodness no one thinks it's going to be bigger than that! Length ranges from 18" (Auntie Marie & Uncle Brad) to 23" (Granny Anne and Grandpa Gordon). Birthdates are now stretching into November (Auntie Jackie and Aunt Louise). And it's about a 50-50 split over whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.