Monday, July 30, 2007

9 months old

Wild Weekend

Time just flew by this weekend. On Saturday morning Cam went to play paintball and came back with a few welts on his arms and shoulders. On Saturday afternoon Dani went to a friend's stagette party and didn't come home until after midnight!

Sunday morning Chance was a bit grumpy (lately afternoon naps are the enemy). Also we can see 3 teeth that appear very close to erupting, so maybe that's the reason. Anyways, we were busy keeping him occupied. We went for a family walk in Fish Creek Park on Sunday afternoon and left a sleeping Chance in his Chariot while we took a dip in the river. Next time we will remember bathing suits and towels, but it was so warm out that we were both completely dry by the time we got home!

We stopped at a park and Chance took another solo swing - he loves it, he just pulls his little legs up and squeals!

2 videos to share:

Chance fighting sleep at suppertime after he refused to nap all afternoon:

Cam swearing at the cat while Chance is eating dinner (turn the volume up).

Friday, July 27, 2007

Bathing Suit Blahs Begone!

I love They have a virtual model tool there where you can enter your height, weight, skin colour, hair colour, hairstyle and even customize your facial features (thin mouth, wide nose, etc.) to come up with a virtual "you". You can then choose from any of the swimsuits that Sears sells, so you'll have an idea whether they'll look good on you or not. I was surprised at how accurate the model was, she even has the same stocky thighs as me!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Morning Report

Naps? We don't need no stinkin' NAPS!

Time Goes By!

Cabin Video

Windchimes at the Cabin:

Gramma's Drum Set:

The beginning of self-weaning?

Chance would not nurse this morning. In fact, he would not even wake up, what a sleepyhead (I have been waking him at 7 if he is not up yet as I don't want to encourage late sleep-ins because it will be rough on him then when it comes to go to the day home in just a few months). He slept through the night again, what a relief too!

Once he got the dazed look off of his face I offered him a boob and he just kind of played with it and then started babbling away. He didn't outright refuse (scream, cry, spit), but he sure wasn't interested in nursing!

We have 2 more teeth coming in very soon, I'm sure. Chance's poor gums look stretched to the limit, but all in all he's been very cheerful.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fave Photos

I got to play with my Minolta camera a fair bit this summer. Here are some of my favorite photos so far.

Long Time Gone!

Wow, 3 weeks have flown by and we've had 7 house guests, 2 weddings, a night of camping in Kananaskis, 800 kms driven (1500 for Daddy), 3 lost soothers, a week at the cabin and a hot sticky plane trip home!

Chance did well with the disruption in schedule, however night-time waking resumed. Our first night home though he slept right through the night and when we woke up at 7 AM he was still sleeping. Daddy woke him up in order to spend 5 minutes playing before he headed off to work.

Summer is in full swing, temps are regularly hitting 30°C, but we manage to keep cool by swimming in the paddling pool and hanging out in the basement. A new huge fan in the kitchen is really helping move the air around.

Chance's palate has really expanded due to having to organize makeshift meals - his repertoire now includes ground beef, cubes of chicken, mac and cheese, chunks of canned tomato, bread, whole milk and (the tiniest bit of) chocolate pudding.

It feels great great great to be home. We really enjoyed our trip to the cabin and all the time with Grampa and Gramma Boivin & Grandpa and Grandma Demmans but home is where the heart is!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Growing up fast!

Chance has started to eat “proper” food and I am lucky if I manage to spoon-feed him a few mouthfuls. He is adamant that he does the feeding himself, and despite the messy repercussions, he manages to get most of it in his mouth. The remainder is left smeared on his highchair tray, on the floor, etc. Napping is much better these days and he will take 2 naps per day, each about an hour and a half long. He is also sleeping through the night now. He goes to bed at 8 PM and does not get up until 6 to 7:30. Sometimes he wakes up around 5 and I will open his door a crack and chuck a few pacifiers into the crib, he manages to get one in his mouth and dozes off for another hour or two.

Well the hot weather seems to have moved in for the summer and the forecast is for 32° by the end of the week. We have an inflatable pool set up for Chance in the back yard, each morning I put fresh water in it so that it is nice and warm by the time the afternoon hits. We use the old pool water to water the lawn and garden and flowers in the evening so it does not go to waste.