Thursday, January 31, 2008


This blog has been a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. It's been a great way to stay in touch with Cam while he's at work when Chance and I are home together, or just when he wants to grab a new photo of the little monkey. As much fun as it has been to write, at this point there is just a lot going on right now for me and important things are starting to slip. I need a break.

I hope to return in 2 weeks or so, otherwise back in March, as last week in Feb, Cam and I are taking a vacation together while Chance shows his Grandma and Grandpa Demmans the sights in Calgary.




You guessed it. Still at home.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Both Cam and I went home sick from work yesterday. Almost within an hour of each other. We went to sleep at 12:30, but I woke up at 3 with tummy cramps. Cam slept til 5 PM, then went to get some Gatorade and soup from the grocery store and pick up Chance.

When he got home I was doubled up in bed, so we left Chance with neighbours and went to the urgent care centre. Once I was checked in Cam went to pick up Chance and give him his supper. I was treated for abdominal cramps with some drug in an IV and X-rayed to be certain there wasn't anything else going on inside of me. Nothing showed on the X Ray, so they sent me home around 9 PM. Ate a small bowl of soup and went to sleep.

Cam woke up feeling OK so he went to work. Chance woke up at 7:30 and so I got him fed, his appetite is better, then took him to Mrs. G's for the day. That way if I want to sleep, I can. The doctor last night said 2 days off from work but I'm feeling much better already, although I don't want to be too far from the bathroom. I got a prescription for the same drug they gave me last night (in tablet form), in case any wild cramps come up again. So far, so good.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sick sick sick

Poor kid got sick again at 10 PM last night and then woke up with cramps and diarrhea at 1:30.

Took him to the doctor's office today and he is supposed to stick to clear liquids for the next 24-48 hours, introducing starches, then veggies and fruits, then meat, then milk at the very end.

He has successfully eaten 2 crackers and 2" of banana this AM, and since then has mainly been eating jello and drinking apple juice with Pedialyte. When we got home from seeing the doctor both of us had a nap. Cam got home around noon. Now Chance is asleep again (3:30 PM) and so is Cam, zonked out on the couch in front of the curling game.

I'm going to go drink my tea and read my book a bit.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Stomach Bug??

I got a phone call from our babysitter today around 1 PM. Mrs. G said that Chance had gotten sick but was sleeping now and that as he was the only kid there today he could stay until he woke up. We thought the little guy wasn't feeling so good this AM as he woke up with a few dry heaves but seemed to get over it, no fever, and ate his breakfast all up. Anyways, Mrs. G said that he puked so much at lunch time that she had to wash his clothes twice. Must have been quite the mess. :(

Anyways, she said that Chance would likely sleep until 3, so we agreed that I would pick him up then, but if he woke up earlier that she could phone me and I'd come pick him up immediately. I got there slightly late as I needed to stop at the bank machine to get money to pay her (usually we write a cheque but this time I forgot my cheque book, duh).

It worked out alright though, because Chance didn't wake up until 3:15. He looked a bit flushed in the face but was in a good mood. I took him home and gave him water and a cracker and waited. Nothing came up, so we made a quick stop at the grocery store and I bought Pedialyte, Jello, apple juice and graham crackers, just in case this keeps up and he needs a "lite" diet for a few days.

When we got back home I gave him some of the juice and a few banana slices, which he ate, but not with the gusto he usually has. Supper was the same, he ate all the veggies out of the soup I gave him and 1/2 a piece of toast, but wasn't really interested in anything else, other a few spoonfuls of jello. He was pretty tired so I put him to bed a bit early, but set up his room "just in case" - bucket on the floor, handy for if he needs to puke again, glass of water, wet washcloth in a plastic baggie, tylenol, etc. Cam is gone tonight at a bachelor's party, so if I'm in for a rough night I want to be prepared.

I'll be spending my evening catching up on some work. Next week my partner and I will kick off a big project, so I would like to put together an initial copy of our presentation.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Photo Review of Last Week

I am getting new teeth! Can you tell??

Mom and I cook regularly together now. I like to taste as we go along. I liked how feathery this stuff was, Mom called it fennel.

We like to colour together on biiiiiig pieces of paper! Mostly I like to collect the crayons only, and sometimes I get upset when we have to put them away. Mom and Dad are worried that I will draw on the walls or carpet one day soon.

Watching boxing with my Daddy and pet kitty is one of my favorite things!

Daddy taught me how to shave today. We had a foamy bubble bath and Daddy let me use his shaving cream. Mommy said that I smelled just like Daddy all day long. That's a good thing, right??

Today while my bath was running Mommy let me run around in big boy underwear, no diaper. Even though it is too early for potty training, they make me feel grown up. Mom thought this photo looked like a Calvin Klein ad.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Packing on weight now...

Chance has been putting on some weight lately, and indeed he is eating more than ever. He is really into "novelty" dinnerware - a cup with a lid and a straw, so he can decide for himself when he is thirsty...his own shiny metal "real" fork, etc. Last night, after he had started to play with his food a bit, I fed him with chopsticks. Well, that was a different story! He cleaned up his plate and then had room for 1/2 a banana and a piece of fresh cinnamon bun (was baking yesterday).
Mommy, on the other hand, has lost a little weight, a good thing after the Christmas season. I am looking forward to some of my favorite exercise classes to start up again next week - spinning, tai bo (it's at the YMCA, so they call it Y Bo instead), and I intend to start up weightlifting again, something I stopped doing when I became pregnant with Chance and never really got back into again while I was on maternity leave.
Today we are going to do a little bit of shopping in the morning. I want to get some curtains at Sears and also buy a couple of T-shirts as my old faves are really getting worn. Lots of stains and even a few holes, I'm ashamed to admit! Also might browse for a new pair of glasses, but probably won't have the time to select a pair.
I nearly forgot! This morning Cam got up with Chance at 6:30 while I lazed in bed for another 30 mins, nice. Apparently, the little stinker has learned how to say "BALL", but I haven't heard him say it yet. On Friday he showed Lynne and I that he can blow kisses (sometimes he forgets the blow part though).

Friday, January 11, 2008

Holy CRAP!

Warning: the following blog post contains gross details and may not be suitable for all readers. Not for the faint of heart. Ye have been warned.

This has to be the Toddler Drama for the month in this house for sure.

I had just zapped Chance's lunch in the microwave, but it was too hot for him to eat right away. Chance was happily playing with his toys in his room anyways. I popped into the office to check the email, and just then, Chance walked into the office holding something out to me. He bumped right up against my leg and thrust the object at me. Thinking it was a piece of a toy that had broken off, I took it. Then I realized it was a chunk of poop. Specifically, his poop.

He had crapped in his diaper and the poop had channeled right up his butt-crack and hey, Chance is a curious little guy. So of course it made sense that he decided to wipe it allllll over the carpet. Of course.

I'm growing my Mama Spine every day...

According to

Follow these instructions to remove: Feces

1) Scoop up and blot as much of the spill as possible. Vacuum up any dry particles.
2) Prepare suggested cleaning solutions below, beginning with the first one listed.
3) Pretest the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous spot of carpet to ensure it does not discolor or damage the carpet.
4) Apply the cleaning solution to the stain area. Work from the outside of the stain toward the center.
5) Allow the cleaning solution to remain on the spill for at least five minutes.
6) Blot with a clean white cloth until no more stain transfers to the cloth. Do not rub the stain area or you might damage the carpet fibers.
7) Rinse with cold water. Be sure all cleaning solution is removed from carpet.
8) If you can still see the stain, repeat the process until either the stain is removed or the stain no longer transfers to the cloth.
9) If the stain remains, try the next solution on the list and follow the same protocol above. If the stain persists after trying each solution listed, contact a professional cleaner.
10) Once the stain is removed, place layers of white paper towel on the site to absorb any moisture. Weight down the towels with a non-staining glass or ceramic object. You can let them sit overnight.
11) When the carpet is dry, vacuum to restore the texture.

Cleaning Solutions for Feces

Detergent Solution Mix 1/4 teaspoon mild liquid dish soap with one cup warm water.

Vinegar Solution Mix 2 tablespoons white vinegar with 4 cups warm water.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Project Update

Here is Chance showing off the handiwork in the closet. We added a second clothes rack for Daddy. Chance was very adept at stealing the tools and screws.

Here is the new plant that we hung in the kitchen. Chance enjoys pointing at it when we are eating. A lot of leaves have been falling out lately...

Chance is very good at helping at all sorts of tasks. So far he and Mommy have been cooking together and sometimes Chance gets to help dry the dishes (the plastic ones). Here we just finished making banana muffins and then had to clean up.

Scarlet, as always, is intrepid at challenging tasks such as basking in front of the fire and holding down the carpet, at the same time. Here she is modelling one of my beaver skins that I received from Cameron's parents for Christmas (Cam's dad caught and skinned the beavers and then had them tanned).

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to the grind...

Wheeeew just got home from a shopping trip at Zellers (glamorous, I know!), and Cam was trying to comfort Chance with limited success. Chance was very upset, lots of howling. Who knows, maybe more teething pains? Another possibility is that he is upset over having to go back to the day home. I rocked him in the rocking chair for a little while until his head got heavy on my chest and then I put him down in his crib before he fell asleep. Another minute of complaining but soon all we could hear was the music playing from his aquarium.

Today he cried when we dropped him off at Mrs. G's house and was VERY happy to see me when I picked him up in the evening, he bolted out of the chair he was sitting in and gave me a big hug. Halfway to the car I remembered that his diaper bag was still in the house, so turned back and when we got inside he started to cry, I guess he thought he was going to have to stay there a little longer or something. When Cam took his shirt off for a bath this evening he started to cry HARD, at first I thought maybe he got hurt or something or teething pain, so gave him a dose of Tylenol and teething tablets, even a soother while he was in the tub, but nothing calmed him down until I got into the bathroom with a fluffy towel and just held him for a bit. We put him to bed, and there was the usual bit of crank, then quiet, so off I went in search of a replacement change pad.

While I was at Zellers I decided to pick up some new gym clothes, today at lunch during my workout I noticed that my current pair of pants had a hole in them. It was about time, as they are more than 3 years old now! I bought a shirt and matching pant set, reasonable price, and a bonus, they came in a short inseam. The shirt fits better backwards for some reason. I don't think it matters. The gym class today was a good work out, step aerobics with weight intervals. I hurt my pride a little, though, as I turned left when I should have turned right and I slipped off the step and fell right on my butt. Awesome.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Letter

Here is the letter to Mrs. G that Chance stuck in his diaper bag. I guess he felt that she should get caught up on some things that have happened over the Xmas break!

Dear Mrs. G,

Happy New Year! I am really looking forward to seeing you again! I hope your Christmas was nice and that Santa Claus was as generous with you as he was with me.

Over the Christmas break I managed to cut 2 more molars, so I am getting really good at chewing things. You will be glad to know that I did not have any diarrhea this time, although I did miss out on a bit of sleep and was a bit cranky sometimes, so my Mom and Dad gave me lots of Tylenol and teething tablets. They have included them in my backpack in case I am grumpy. The sure signs are flaming red cheeks and sometimes I pull on my ears.

Also over the Christmas break I have taken to using a proper fork just like the grown-ups use. Mom is still packing my red plastic fork, but if you loan me one of your regular forks, I might have better luck (the points are sharper). Or maybe my Mom should pack a fork from our house, what do you think?

I have some good news – I am starting to talk! I know how to say:

“ALL DONE” (or “ALL GONE) and maybe “OUT”

Another thing that I have been doing these days is throwing temper tantrums. Sorry, it’s not very nice, but apparently it is important to my development to learn what “no” means. Sometimes I cry when I hear the word “no”, even if that what isn’t meant (for example, I heard my Mommy ask “Know what??” and I started to cry last week). Please try to put up with me during this phase, I am trying to learn!

Anyways, I just wanted to jot this down on paper tonight before I went to bed because I tend to forget things in the morning, everything is so rushed. I’m sure tomorrow will be a great day!



Venison Mediterranean Stew

We had a really good supper a few nights ago, out of a venison tenderloin that was in the freezer.

It was kind of my own creation, I just kind of closed my eyes and said "here we go" and hoped for the best. It was quite tasty, I couldn't even tell it was deer anymore, very tender. Chance even ate a few pieces (lately he is anti-meat).

Venison Mediterranean Stew

splash of olive oil
1 venison tenderloin, cubed with all tough connective tissue removed
1 red onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, peeled and squished

1 small baby zucchini, cut in half lengthwise and sliced
1 green pepper, chunked
1/2 red pepper, chunked
10 (?) brown mushrooms, quartered
3 bay leaves
fennel seed

salt and pepper

1 can beef consomme
1/2 bottle of red wine

H2O to cover

3 Tbsp flour

1/2 C cold water

Sear meat in heavy pan or stock pot with splash of olive oil. Remove to roaster and dump in onion with a little more olive oil. After onion is transparent, add garlic. Once you smell garlic, scrape pot bottom with wooden spoon to loosen brownings that remain and add to roaster. Add raw veg to roaster and dump in beef stock, wine and a little water to bring liquid level up. Roast at 350°F for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. In last 30 minutes, shake up cold H2O and flour in a tupperware to make a slurry and stir into roaster to thicken the sauce. Return to the oven with lid off.

We ate this with couscous made with chicken stock and butter. Chance LOOOOOVED the couscous, but it was too small for him to pick up so it made a real mess. I fed it to him on a spoon and he opened up like a baby sparrow.