Saturday, October 7, 2006

Banff Trip

Yesterday's trip to Banff was beautiful! We ended up walking on the paths behind the Banff Springs Hotel. We saw 3 deer (a mama & 2 fawns), as well as about 7-8 elk. I took some nice photos on my Minolta camera, I will have to wait for the film to be developed to share. Digital cameras have really spoiled us!

I've been really busy this week. I exercised 4 out of 5 mornings, went grocery shopping for all the food I'd need to make more than a month's worth of dinners, cooked those dinners (lasagna, spaghetti sauce, pot pies, banana bread, etc!), finished up some of the decorating in the baby's room, washed all the things that we hadn't done yet (baby sheets, etc.), installed a dimmer switch in the baby's room, organized all the work stuff I brought home (textbooks, health insurance files, etc.), went to Wal-Mart and forgot to buy half the things that were on my list (@#$@!~!), went to the library, got my hair cut, sewed a pillowcase for a u-shaped nursing pillow, visited a friend who will be having a baby soon too & delivered a lasagna to her, wow that was a busy week! I didn't vacuum, dust or clean the bathrooms though. Maybe we'll do that today (Cam will do the bathrooms because the belly doesn't allow me to reach the tub or the mirrors any more - very convenient!).

We are going to Thanksgiving dinner at Lynne's house this weekend. We are bringing our customary apple pie. It all started when I was in Holland a few years ago & Lynne invited Cam over for Thanksgiving. He told her he was making an apple pie. What he really did was buy a frozen M&M's apple pie, baked it at home, and then brought it over. Lynne saw right through him, but Matt (her husband) was so impressed that he raved about the pie for days! Now whenever we have a special meal with the Drovers, we always bring a frozen apple pie. Kind of a long-standing joke.

Next week we are having the furnace and duct work cleaned, and I have a doctor's appointment on Friday again when the doctor is going to mechanically start the process of baby being born if it hasn't happened naturally by then. She's just going to move things around a bit. This will give me about a week to dilate & deliver the baby, and in her experience has resulted in fewer chemical inductions, which is something that I realize might have to be done, but if she knows how to try to avoid it, I'm all for giving it a go.

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