Monday, April 30, 2007

Operation Down Low: Complete(or Separation Anxiety Bites The Big One)

Chance's crib is now on the lowest position. He is starting to pull up while he is in the bath tub, which means it is probably not too far away in the future that he will start doing it outside the bath tub. So we decided it was time to lower the mattress. Unfortunately Cam was sick on the weekend so we did not get the job done while there were two of us to handle Chance and the I did it this morning.

The whole time Chance was screaming bloody murder in his rocking giraffe. (Did you see that? I made a link!) So I took him out of the giraffe and let him run around with his toys, but my goodness that was even worse! I just tried to get the crib mattress lowered ASAP! When I was done I picked up Kiddo and he slimed my shoulder and arm - snot snot everywhere. He had just worked himself up into an absolute lather. He has been like this for the last week or so - suddenly he decides it's not OK to be on his own and needs to be picked up now. Not now, but NOW.

It took 15 minutes of rocking and cuddling to get the hiccups to stop. Now that the crisis is over, he's in his crib, happily motoring around with some toys. Stinker.

This morning Chance ate butternut squash for the first time. I bought the squash last weekend at the Calgary Farmer's Market, and steamed and pureed it last night. He didn't mind the squash, but I still think that sweet potatoes and bananas are his favorites.

Tomorrow Chance gets his 6 month shots at 8:30 in the morning. We've been fairly lucky so far, no fevers or excessive crying. Hopefully the trend continues....(knock wood)!

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