Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sleep Talking

Both Chance and I are sleep talkers.

I wake up all the time having spoken aloud. I quickly check to make sure Cam didn't hear me and then usually slip out of bed to get a drink, pee, etc.

Tonight I woke up shouting "NO BOUNCING!!" I know where that came from....we went to a party tonight and Chance and the other kids were getting quite rowdy bouncing on the couches. At first they were just up and over the arm of the couch and rolling off, but it soon escalated to standing on the arm of the couch and leaping into the air as high as possible and nearly crashing into the walls (my son was the first to do the "Geronimo" move, a horrified mama notes).

So I got up and was standing at the counter with my peanut butter sandwich and glass of milk when all of a sudden I heard a ruckus coming out of Chance's bedroom "NO! wha bhlaz my DINOSAUR!!!" I spoke to him quickly saying it was just a dream and rubbed his back and he calmed right down but never woke up.

Apparently, experts think that sleep talking, or somniloqy, is less frequent in boys but may run in families. So I guess he gets it from me. Sleep talkers are frequently sleep walkers as well as sleep eaters (nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder). So when I find him one day out of bed and eating handfuls of dry cereal, I shouldn't be surprised.

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