Tuesday, November 27, 2007

House of Blues

I've got the blues....

...the baby blues...

...the baby had a cold then got pink eye then got an ear infection BLUES!

Cam and I haven't put in a solid week of work in weeks. Chance feels like crap and isn't sleeping through the night and is only eating occasionally. Cam and I have been sick for a little more than a month.

I'm staying home with him in the morning to see how he does.

1 comment:

Noah and Emily said...

Hi guys! Sorry to hear that Chance has been sick, but that is what happens when the kids start daycare. From the day Noah started daycare when we were in Morinville, he was sick with ear infections, pink eye, constant runny noses, pnemonia etc. The doctor blamed it on asthma, which the meds did help a bit but as soon as we moved out here, he hasn't been sick since, but a runny nose here and there (no more asthma meds). It is tough I know as there was a time last year around this time that I don't think I put in a full weeks work as J was not home, so it was just me taking him home or then I would get sick. Just give him some TLC, let him sleep lots and eat when he wants until he feels better, get some rest yourself as I know it is so draining. Hang in there!