Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cutting teeth every which way!

Chance got 2 molars in 1 week!

The bottom left one cropped up last week, but we didn't discover it until we were at Meadow Lake. You could tell that it had been there for a few days at least by how much it was poking out of the gums.

Apparently the bottom right molar is there too, but I still haven't seen it. Cameron swears it's there though. No matter how much I tickle Chance or make goofy faces to make him smile wide, his little tongue is always tucked back in that cheek pocket, hiding the new molar. Maybe that's just as good evidence as actually seeing it...he's busy playing with his new tooth all the time!

Tomorrow I am getting together with the Rockyview Moms after work, we are going for dinner sans bebes! I will just stay late at work. I have a ton of work to do but I am in a training course all day tomorrow, so a few hours in the evening to get cracking will be a good thing.

Well, the house is quiet and I have a hot tub waiting for me, along with a cup of tea and a good book. Ciao for now!
p.s. Here is a funny photo from the weekend at Meadow Lake. On Sunday night we discovered a dirty diaper lying on the kitchen floor! We thought that maybe whoever had changed Chance last (Cam) had forgotten to put away the dirty diaper and that Chance had dragged it over a few feet from his changing area. Instead, Chance had ripped his diaper off but managed to keep his jeans ON. Like a little Houdini. Grandma Lillian thought it was so funny!

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