Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Snow snow snow

No pictures of this, but we've gotten a good douse of the white stuff. Spent a good portion of the afternoon playing outside with Chance and a neighbour's son who spent the afternoon with us.

I've been going to the pool that is a block and a half from our house on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Chance and Karin go into a little babysitting room they've got set up and I swim laps for about an hour. The first morning Karin got quite upset and so I've learned she can handle that amount of time before freaking out. She did just fine the 2nd time around and today she was just starting to get cranky as I walked into the door. It feels great to get the regular exercise and super convenient. I just wish that I was a stronger swimmer for all my time in the pool....oh well it will be good training for when Cam and I go on vacation in the spring.

We are going with a group of friends to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. We booked our trip 3 or 4 days before there was a natural gas explosion, which killed 5 Canadians. The news tonight did a poll and asked whether this explosion affects whether people would consider traveling to Playa Del Carmen or not: 43% said no, but 57% said yes. I have mixed feelings.

The resort we have booked at is not a typical beach resort, in that it is actually constructed on a rocky portion of the coast. There is a man-made shallow, protected, sandy lagoon that you can swim in, and this is encouraging for me (I'm a sinker, and slightly prone to panicking in deep water with rocky/weedy bottoms), although I was a bit saddened at the fact that we won't be lazing on lounge chairs staring out at the Caribbean....oh well. Let's face it, if they sent me to the Sahara dessert with no kids and booze, I'd be happy. :P

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