Monday, November 8, 2010

Playground Drama

We have several parks in the neighbourhood. Chance has names for all of them to tell them apart: the tire swing park, the green park, the dog park, the car park and the merry-go-round park. His favorite being the latter, we frequent this park often. Last night we were out for a walk to said park and bumped into neighbour friends with kids and they decided to join us. They avoided the merry-go-round park (which their kids call the bouncy bridge park) because their smallest one took a spill off one of the playground structures last year. But she is a big girl now, so the merry-go-round/bouncy bridge park is open game now.
Anywhoo...there was a bigger girl there, about 7 or 8 years old, much to Chance's delight. He loves older kids. He is constantly trying to impress them. He had been in the merry-go-round for quite a while with the girl when a second older girl arrived, maybe 6 years old. This girl also wanted to impress the bigger girl and insisted they go faster and faster and faster and then have a contest to see whether anyone could still walk "properly". Meanwhile, Girl #2's dad and I struck up a conversation, he wanted to know how we liked the neighbourhood and whether they should move here. During this conversation, Girl #2 decided it was time to get off and check everyone's walking ability...only she wasn't feeling so good after all that spinning and tossed her cookies next to the see-saw. I felt bad for her, all I had in the stroller were kleenexes and gummi bears. She and her dad left after that.

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