Saturday, June 9, 2007

All tuckered out

On Friday Chance woke up quite early and it was a struggle to keep him awake until his regular nap time at 9 AM. Actually it was a losing battle. I tried shifting him around and playing with him and dancing and playing peekaboo, then I wanted to get the laundry started before he went down, so I put him in his crib with the mobile on. I could hear him playing with aquarium toy that is hanging in his crib, it makes sounds and has lights, Chance was squealing and hitting the buttons. I started the laundry and then came upstairs...and it was quiet, except for the mobile music. Chance had passed out in the crib, and his legs were sticking out, it was so cute I had to take a bunch of photos and even used the flash because I didn't want them to be blurry. He never even flinched.

I purchased a cowboy hat for Chance to wear to this year's Stampede events. It is a bit too large for him, but it only makes it look cuter. What a little buckaroo.

****Last night was the first time that Chance slept through the night! He slept from 8:30 until 5:45. I went to bed at quarter to 11, so that was 7 hours of contiguous sleep - awesome!****

This morning Cam took care of Chance while I went out for a nice bike ride in Fish Creek Park. I saw 4 male mallard ducks land right in front of me while I was taking a rest by the river. Then biked home and saw the neighbours were having a garage sale (it was only 8 AM, so I swooped in to see what they had as I figured it wouldn't be too picked over yet). I bought 2 finished wooden shelves for $5, they will be great storage in the laundry room (for the laundry soap, stain remover, baby stain remover, bleach, etc.) I nursed Chance and then headed out to see my friend Lynne at her house and enjoyed a nice morning coffee with her before coming home around noon. Daddy had managed to get Chance to eat all his carrots and cauliflower (which he LOVES, that surprised me, I thought it would be too bland for him), as well as a bunch of Cheerios.

This morning we saw Chance pull himself up to standing on the kitchen chair, and then let go and grabbed his high chair legs. Not quite cruising, but getting braver.

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