Thursday, February 8, 2007

100 Days Old

Chance is 100 days old today! I guess he thought he better make his mark...literally!! He woke up at 5:45 this morning and I took him into our bed to nurse him. At some point he let go and fell asleep, I did the same. When we woke up an hour later, we played in the bed for a bit (peekaboo, etc.), then I changed his diaper and left him in his crib to look at his mobile while I gathered breakfast for myself and started a shower. I took my shirt off and looked down and...holy cow there was a HICKEY on my breast! The little guy must have decided he wasn't finished and tried to latch himself, however missed the out spout and just got a faceful of boob. So there Mom was, zonked while Baby Chance sucked himself to sleep. Cripes, the look on my face must have been hilarious!

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