Thursday, October 25, 2007

Snow Day

It snowed overnight and the snow ended up sticking around more or less all day. Our neighbour's kid scraped up every bit of snow from their half of the front lawn to make a snow man.

When we picked up Chance from the day home we noticed chalk drawings all over the sidewalk. Mrs. G took the kids outside for a bit today but not to run around in the park like usual as some kids didn't have appropriate clothes. As in, they didn't have shoes.

So instead of the park the kids drew on her sidewalk and she loaded Chance up in the stroller and they all went for a walk.

She lamented that some parents often forget to dress their kids for the weather and as a result everyone stays indoors for days until the entire group gets winter clothes, boots, hats and toques. She said that if we wanted we could leave his snow suit with her during the week days. We actually have two snow suits (one hand-me-down and one brand new from my sister, she brought it when Chance was a week old). So we will have a day home snow suit (probably the one-piecer, it fits Chance better right now), and the two-piecer we'll keep at the house. Instead of walks to the park in the evenings we'll be taking Chance for toboggan rides soon!

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