Sunday, January 28, 2007


Day 2 of the Ferber Sleep Plan. Chance went to sleep after 20 minutes of crying, woke up half an hour later, and was asleep after 5 minutes of crying. He's been asleep now for nearly an hour. Sounds easy right?Last night he cried for 5 hours off and on before settling in for a 4 hour sleep from 1:30 til 5:30. He did not nurse from 7:45 PM til 5:30 AM. He has fed MUCH better today, a total of 5 good solid feedings, rather than 8 or 9 mini-meals.We will see how he sleeps tonight....

...later...2:45 AM and not a peep yet. I got up to get a drink and a snack and pumped a little milk so that my night milk doesn't go away completely in case Chance needs it tomorrow or the next night...

...later...Chance woke up at 3:15 AM and I fed him and then he was happy and wanted to play. But he went back in the crib and after about an hour of crying went to sleep for 30 mins and then back up for about an hour - back to sleep by 6:15 and stayed there until 7:45.

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