Monday, March 26, 2012

More Vocab...Karin at 2 1/2

Chance came home from Kindergarten and just HAD to get this stuff dumped out of his brain. We walked into the house and he started demanding construction paper and markers, urgently. He sat at the window and drew and drew and drew and then said I "had to come write down what he said right now" because he didn't want to forget.

I bought this dress for $3. It's a ladies dress but I think I can alter it to fit Karin. She calls it her princess dress.

Cookie time....

Cuddles at night..

"Knock knockwho's there" (knockwho's is all one word)

"I tired...."

"No Daddy!"

"Wanna watcha moobie" (movie)

"My poopy" (I've just wet myself.) When she's actually poopy...she's silent.

"MY DUMP TRUCK". As in, now!

Life very busy but looking like it will slow down a bit. Already had a solid week of taking lunch hours and going to the gym...feeling quite good about that. Cut another 2" of hair off....not much left now!! Someone told me today I look 2o years younger, not sure if that's exactly correct but I'll take it! No more Pill Pudding, I guess.

Chance's report card came in, he is doing well but still needs work on ABC's. Speech therapist wants (?) maybe to work with him on his "s" and "z" words. Phone tag with the gal is fun.

Karin's perfected the art of being two....hello tantrums, whining, shrieking.....all weekend long I heard at top volume: "Mummy? Mummy? Mum? Mummy??! MUMMY!!" Took to wearing earplugs by bathtime on Saturday. Sunday was a bit better, Chance had a friend over to play and so she was entertained by observing the boys, throwing mud and snow in backyard and building lego. Starting to really get a knack for that stuff, has stopped trying to ingest. Nice.

1 comment:

Grampa and Gramma Jo said...

Great pics. It's always great to read your entries. Miss you lots and lots.