Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sibling Rashalry

Karin seems to be just like her brother, prone to massive eczema breakouts. Looks like she gets them a bit easier though, as she went from just a couple of spots on her back to full body rash in 24 hours. Massive systemic eczema...we're supposed to rub her head to toe with Protopic, and put Fucidin cream on her hands and chin, where the spots have become infected with what looks like impetigo.

My poor beautiful daughter looks like she has chicken pox or something....she's pretty tolerant of the situation, but occasionally cries and says it's "owwie / itchy".

Photos coming when I find the camera cord....sigh.

1 comment:

heather1992 said...

My daughter has the same thing did u find out wat it was because the er doctor diagnosed her wit impetigo but I am unsure...