* my Henkels kitchen shears. They went missing Easter Monday. I was babysitting the neighbour's kid and vaguely remember using them at the end of the day. ***UPDATE*** Found them on top of the china cabinet with my cake decorating stuff. I remember using them to snip off the end of a piping bag to fill deviled egs. Yay!
* our YMCA passes. Have been missing for 2 weeks now. Have checked every gym bag, jacket pocket, etc.
* my stainless steel water bottle ***UPDATE*** Found it at the babysitting room at the YMCA. Still no sign of the YMCA passes though.
* my 2nd pair of great gardening gloves....I bought a backup pair just in case I lost my first great pair of gardening gloves....but I liked my first pair better. ***UPDATE*** Found in the garage!! Woohoo! Now just need to find the Y passes!
* Wingo & DJ Chance's toy cars from the movie Cars. ***UPDATE*** Found. Don't ask me where Chance found them, he just did.
* Chance's 2 pairs of sunglasses ***UPDATE*** Found in toybox.
* Karin's hot pink hair bow ***UPDATE*** Chance found it under his bed while voluntarily cleaning his room. I picked him up and hugged him, I think he was a bit dazed.
* dayhome receipts & some other important papers...maybe I packed them????
Double Yay!
Another YAY!
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