Sunday, July 9, 2006

Baby Things Accumulating...

Some days seemed to fly by last week and other days never seemed to end! Have been on a roller-coaster sleep pattern: one good sleep followed by 2 or 3 nights of poor sleep, 1 good sleep, etc...Baby is generally on a 2PM-7PM kickboxing routine now. Today was very quiet but I think that I maybe just didn't notice movements so much because I was sleeping most of the time. Now am feeling more stretches and kicks (10 PM).

Went over to Ryan and Jill Shumay's for supper - they hosted a BBQ for a big group of us. Very nice, ate a lot of food, very tired around 9:30 PM so left Cam there and drove home. They only live 15 minute walk away, so if Cam can't get a ride home when he is ready, he can always walk.

A colleague from work came by the house today and dropped off a load of baby items she doesn't want anymore: a playpen, a high chair/swing set, a crib mobile, a cribside toy, a baby bathtub, a jolly jumper and a rocking horse sling for little babies (6 mos or younger). Wow! I was really touched by her generosity - she just wants the stuff out of her house, she has 3 kids (aged 14 yrs, 4 yrs and 1 yr) and doesn't want it anymore! I think Cameron was a bit dazed by all the things she gave us, too. He just kept on saying "wow, that's a lot of stuff".

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