Saturday, June 3, 2006


I am NEVER drinking "real" coffee in the evening again!! My friend Lynne came over for dinner tonight and we had a good time having girlie strawberry dacquiris (mine was without the booze, of course), BBQ'd pork chops & had grilled beets, baked potatoes & salad, and then for dessert had some chocolate and the Kona coffee she brought back for me when she went to Hawaii. It was delicious. Unfortunately, I am WIRED. I just had a dream that the cat had clawed through the wall & was tunneling through the insulation & choking at the same time. I woke up and the cat was (angelically?) curled up in Cameron's feet. I couldn't get the picture out of my head. Yeesh. So decided to get up. It's 1:45 AM. Tomorrow Cam and I are joining a friend for some early garage saling. Maybe will find some baby things/maternity wear, I'm also going to keep my eyes peeled for stuff to cram into the trailer (I'd like a small but difficult puzzle for rainy trips, etc).

Also I need a "beach" book - our trip to Cuba is now 2 weeks away. Last year I bought a trashy romance novel set in the Bahamas and hauled it all over the place, I even forgot it on the beach one night and it got rained on, so the illustration on the front got all warped. That reminds me - I need a bathing suit or two. My bikini still fits, however, with only 1 small hook closing the top, I'm afraid of a "popping out" event due to my, ahem, ever-expanding décolletage.

Saturday evening we are going to a BBQ way up in the NW end of town. Looking forward to seeing all our friends and playing some yard games (a few weeks ago Cameron bought a bocce ball set for 8$ at a garage sale, haven't used them yet).

On Sunday we are going golfing with another couple. And then on Sunday evening Cam is making me a "special" dinner. Looking forward to that, he can really be an excellent cook when he sets his mind to it.

My cousin's wife Alicia found an on-line quiz about what the "likely" sex of your baby will be based on your pregnancy symptoms - old wives' tales stuff. I got a 70% chance of having a girl. When I told Cameron, he found another DIFFERENT quiz and we took it - also came out in strong favour of having a girl. Hmm....Well maybe I will watch some TV or take a bath to try to get to sleep. The cat has gone back to bed with Cameron. Just as long as she keeps out of the walls.

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