Monday, March 14, 2011

Poster Painting

At work we have a HUGE printer that prints out posters and maps and cross sections. Lately I've been doing a lot of those, and occasionally I make a mistake. So instead of chucking the paper, I roll it up and bring it home, as long as it doesn't have anything top secret printed on the other side. Chance and I had fun last weekend making a mixed-media poster sized painting of our house. We used crayons, paint, glue and glitter. There is lightning and a tornado, and a Snakit Bear hanging around the baby gate. It left footprints on the wall above the piano. There are ninja stars near the staircase, watch out, they are sharp! This piece of fantastic art is hanging in our front entrance so EVERYONE can see it RIGHT AWAY. And the lighting there is awesome, just like an art gallery, haha.

1 comment:

Mouland Family said...

How fun and creative - and wonderful art to add to the decor! Good job Chance (and Dani).