Friday, May 7, 2010

Puzzle Pieces

Well, pieces of the puzzle are coming together. We now have a daycare lined up for Chance and as soon as a spot comes available for Karin, they'll hold it for her in January. After a 2nd look at the daycare yesterday with Cameron this time, I feel better about the place. I felt it was just fine for Chance but not good enough for Karin. The reality is, it isn't and shouldn't be good enough for Karin -- she's just a baby. It will be a long time until I'm ready to go back to work and she's ready for daycare. Chance will start part time in July or August with their preschool program.

Spent 2 hours at the new house yesterday as well. First hour spent with the builder finalizing plans for the garden, fence, stump removal, etc. Then Cam went home to pick up Chance, while Karin and I selected window coverings for the house. We went with 2" off-white wooden venetians pretty much everywhere in the house except for the kitchen bay window, which will have some beige and black stripy roman blinds -- these will look great while they are pulled up (most of the time) and while pulled down will offer some insulation from the window when it's cold outside. Karin got hungry while we were going over the blinds so I sat down on the kitchen floor and nursed her while the lady from the blind store held up fabric samples until we got the right one.

Came home to Cam and Chance eating bacon and eggs for supper - one of Chance's favorite suppers. Got Karin in the bath tub and splashed with her while Cam made toast and cooked eggs for me, then Cam took over tub time duties and let me eat.

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