This showed up on Chance's foot mabye 3 weeks ago. Started out as pin-prick like rash maybe 20-30 spots and has morphed out to this blobby thing. Doctor said it didn't look contagious, and it really hasn't spread out that much either, but a small patch of it has cropped up on his bum cheek. Ranges in colour daily from barely pink to deep purple. Cortisone cream (ratio-ectosone/betamethasone nor emo-cortisone) doesn't cut it and neither does the other stuff we got, Protopic (tacrolimus ointment). Chance says it "hurts" every now and then and I see him rubbing/scratching it occasionally, but it doesn't seem to be crazy itchy. Will go see the doctor again Feb. 18th.
I am almost considering putting Windex on it (My Big Fat Greek Wedding)!
I am almost considering putting Windex on it (My Big Fat Greek Wedding)!