Monday, June 9, 2008


A kid at Chance's day home was diagnosed with some strange skin virus called molluscum contagiosum over the weekend. Chance has a red spot on his knee that looks similar.

1) So, he's got molluscum contagiosum.

2) Maybe it's chicken pox?

OR: maybe he kneeled on something and managed to get a little scab on his knee.

As an additional bonus bit of good news: our camping weekend forecast has deteriorated to light rain and sub freezing temperatures.

Oh, P.S.: Chance is cutting molars again.

Kill me now.


Grampa and Gramma Jo said...

Pox usually shows in the warm body areas (armpits, waist line, etc.). Spots look like water blisters and are very itchy... you must remember what I looked like. I don't remember much (good drugs) except that you made pistachio pudding, banana chocolate chip muffins and hot apple cider for me.

Unknown said...

Molluscum contagiosum is totally harmless; except that sometimes spots infect and can leave marks. It lasts forever though, before they're all gone. My kids took I think a year, a year +a half. The spots spread very very slowly. Once a few 'died out', the next one(s) will show up. In Holland there seems to be a spray that helps; for the rest, just wait. But maybe it was just Chances sitting on his knee...

Unknown said...

Its weird.. I didn't think it was that common.
You left a message on my blog so I thought I would do the same.
My Nurse said we could freeze them off or leave them alone and they would go away on their own if they weren't scratched and then spread elsewhere. I am lucky Liam is a little older so he knows not to scratch, but at the same time he can be defiant about it.

Liam has his on his arms, get it checked out by your dr... as long as they don't break and blister like Jo said, its probably the molluscum.