Friday, May 9, 2008

More words!

juice (water)
yeah. yeahyeahyeah!
mow (meow)
kiki (kitty)
gock (sock)

When I picked Chance up from day care today he was smeared head to toe in chocolate cake. The kids ate cake together to celebrate Mother's Day. "Where's my cake??" was what I was thinking when I picked Chance up. Chance also had apple juice and (evidently) rice krispie cake, as I found it glued to his shirt. After all that sugar Chance was running around like he was on jet fuel. We took him to the park (there is a big soccer field) and just let him GO. He ran about 100 or 150 m, then I went to him, turned him around, and told him to run to Daddy. He covered that field in about 45 seconds! When we put him in his crib after his bath, his little chest was heaving because he was breathing so hard - exhausted little boy!

Here we are modeling the matching toques Gramma Jo knitted for us. Funny how I am always the last person to get dressed in the morning!

Chance took quite a liking to Ocky Duck, a wooden toy made by my Great Uncle Oscar (Ocky) who gave it to my sister and I 22 years ago. My dad had to make another stick to go into Ocky's back, because the original was lost years ago. The truth is, the stick is burried out by the caragana bushes in my old backyard in Broadview -- I hid it there to keep my sister from playing with Ocky!

We had quite a good visit with my Granny!

Here is Chance enjoying his new toy box at Gramma Jo's house.

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