Photos from a few weeks ago when we had a big snowfall. These days it's not quite so white, but we do have some lingering icy snowbanks...and our snowman hung in there to the very last moment.
Proud of their accomplishment! I can't say I helped much this year, was laid up with a cold that made me want to curl up and sleep for 400 years, so just sat in the corner with my camera. Kids had a wonderful time and every day there's a few extra ornaments that get created at school or at home that end up on the tree.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Chance: "Mom, your skin looks like Pill Pudding's".
Me: "Who is Pill Pudding?"
Chance: "Like on Star Wars 3 when Anakin goes to rescue Pill Pudding" (Palpatine).
Why isn't this stuff on anti-aging commercials??? I'm only 31 (OK nearly 32) years old!!