Friday, May 27, 2011

Rainy Week

Finally finished decorating the kids' play room. I bought some curtains, new duvet cover for the futon, a yellow japanese lantern (envisioning it as a paper mache solar system one day), and a bunch of light plastic-paned frames (if they fall they won't break) and hung up a selection of Karin and Chance's artwork. I'm pretty happy with how it looks, and Chance liked it too. Karin was oblivious...

Blowing bubbles in the back yard last Friday. We had sun on Saturday too and since then it's been raining. Looking forward to more bubbles one day!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vocab Explosion

Karin's newest words:

Bapple (Apple)
Mee mee (Milk. Give me milk. Or whatever you're eating, I want it.)
Lookitdat! (Look at that!)
Koo koo (cookie)
Cha (Chance)

She has also starting to pair words together like "Bye bye Dada" - when she really means "Hi Daddy!".

She is responding very well to simple commands, like "Go get your shoes." and "Give this to Mom." Not so much with very simple commands, like "Sit" or "Wait". Oh well.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quick Pics

Kids are glad that Cam is home. I am too!

Pooh Nap on Saturday afternoon.

Butterscotch pudding!

Already the kids are pretty tech-savvy. Here they are Skyping with Gramma and Grampa in Regina.

Just got home from a run with my friend in the neighbourhood. Lovely evening!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things that 4 Year Olds Say:

On seeing two helicopters in the sky: "Wow, I think they're gonna fight".

When viewing old photos of himself as a baby: " cute. Was this when I was a girl?" (I had explained to him why boys have nipples.

On what's for dinner tonight: "Chicken boobs". Which quickly turned into a game of putting the word "chicken" with anything else funny: "chicken bum", "chicken poo", "chicken stink".

One day I'll write a book about being a working mom and call it Chicken Boobs.

Monday, May 2, 2011